The closest I can get to a website.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Hey people!!!!!
What's new? SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just a bit hyped up. School been treating me fairly well, especially the courses I like, which is like one course but meh...
I like cheese. I bet that pisses you off eh gabe????!!!!???? MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I went to the store the other day and this creepy old guy wearing a trenchcoat came up to me and just all of a sudden yelled "OH YEAH!!!!!! THAT'S A FANCY HAT!!!!!!!!!" And I just stared at him for a minute... and finally found the willpower to say... "hi..." And the old guy just sprinted away faster than my dog could. It was just wierd.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

In the Backseat- The Arcade Fire

Hey Good Samaritans,
What's up? Just doing quantum physics homework, thought I might post. So yah, I was watching the Grammies and laughing my ass off because they pretend it's super anticensorship but the entire event is filled with censorship. Those of you who wasted the time watching it, you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, I decided to write in my blog!!! That is EXCITING!!! I wish I was thoughtful right now. That's when I write well. When I'm not thoughtful (like now) my post is similar to a 4 year old playing with lego, it holds your interest for a short while, and it doesn't really look like anything in particular. So yah, tommorow's a pd day. That is very very good. So yah, umm, I pressed the bold button and can't figure out how to make it normal, so yah. No, this is NOT a joke.It's kinda like the world right. I don't know in which way, I just thought that sounded intelligent. So anyways, bye.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Radio Song- REM

What's up????????? I haven't posted in a while... so hi!!!!!! Anyways it's Superbowl Sunday *cough* boring waste of time *cough* God, I mean they make more of this then the fucking Olympics, seriously, I'm glad to not be part of a country that flocks like sheep to watch fat people push eachother and then stop every 10 seconds. Then again, Canada sits like sheep to watch it. Well anyways I'm of break and back to Glebe but it has seemed overly easy in the early classes, whereas I want interesting school minus the homework, not to sound prep or anything, it's just school goes by faster when you're not bored out of your skull. Anyways, It's Winterlude so where's all the happenings? I think next weekend will be better for it. Not because of the temp. but because Stars is coming (YAY!!!!). So hopefully I'll persuade someone to go to that cause a free Stars concert only happens twice in a lifetime. K*Naan's also coming to Ottawa, which is cool, but I'm gonna worry about Stars for now. Anyways, I went to music class class, and learning that I wasn't aloud to play guitar made the three choices of bass guitar, percussion, and bassoon, and recieved the position of..... BARITONE (...?...) ummm, yah, I kinda had a reason for not choosing any brass instruments... GOD. Anyways, bye.