In the Beginning...
I was once a young lad, about your age. Back in those days, we flew our ponies to school. Forty-Two miles in the pixie dust. Now I know this may seem strange to you, what with your knew confounded devices, but at one point, when machines didn't have genes, we actually cared about eachother. I remember it like it was yesterday. We'd all get along. No questions, just treating everyone the same. This all changed when people started deciding there needed to be a way to divide the strong from the weak, the lucky from the unfortunate in other words. This involved many leaves, what we now call money. Back them, sitting beside a newly slain unicorn, it seemed so new and progressive. Before you knew it, half the land was sprawling, more than ever before. We didn't really think of the ones we left behind, who can think of others when one has the matters of where to put the new fishbowl or tower in mind. So we just kept going, while the others, they stayed with what they shared. But the growing monster of wealth wouldn't allow it. No, we killed off all the faeries, ponies, and doves, and left them to carry our toxic waste without a glove. And as if that wasn't enough, we decided they were somehow lower than us. This of course meant bombing, preaching, and treating them like shit. When never did we think that we were the pricks. We weren't better or superior in any way. They just wanted to love eachother, and for that, for some reason, they payed. I know it may be hard to believe. I'll tell yah, it's definitely hard to say. But i want you to think long and hard about this, because this is what brought us to where we are today.