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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Old Switcheroo

Hey All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second semester is upon us, and I still am not quite sure as to what my courses are. I am sad to be ending my drama course for the year, but it feels good to see the other courses leave. I'm in the summative/exam stress stage, but I realize soon it will all pass and I'll have new, interesting courses to bitch about. Oh shit, This seems like a Gabe post... So something insane must happen. Fuck what my last post said. This guy walks into a bar, and everyone laughs because he didn't see it coming and should of walked around, but he didn't think about that, did he??? NO, and now he's suffereing the consequences of a bump on his head from making the bad judgement of not paying attention to his surroundings. The moral of today: don't slack or something bad will happen. I hope you've all learned a valuable lesson, and I expect a six page essay on how this story has changed your life dramatically by Monday. This will be worth 75% of your overall mark and, yes, spelling does count.


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